I am amazed that this is my first post of 2012. Yesterday my brother calls and wants me to film him windsurfing. “its supposed to be windy” he says. So I pack up some gear and head out to the public beach. I filmed for about an hour and packed up my things. last night editing the footage, I realized how long it had been since I windsurfed and how much fun it was. You see In 1975-80 I had a windsurfing store and did quite a bit of it. Here is the result
For now I will describe this as a combination of self promotion, networking and a venue to communicate.Muskoka Photographer specializing in Commercial,Portrait and Editorial
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Archos 70 tablet my take
I have been using the archos 70 for 6 months now. In fact I am writing this blog post on it. I am in love with the tablet experience. Every night I get into bed early and check my facebook/ twitter, then read a magazine or book. I download apps, try them all out, its fun! The archos has been a great device for the following:
Clear responsive screen
Nice size 7 inch. Easy to hold and read.
Sound is great.
Most apps work well
It is very slow
Video does not pay well or fast enough
Lately I have been trying out the newer tablets. Very nice! Mostly it is the speed of the dual core prossesor and newer more responsive screens. I am wanting one! However the new android version 4 OS has been announced but not yet in devices and the next round of tablets will be even better/ faster and just possibly cheeper.
So what do I do? Sell my Archos? Help me out here people.. coments?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Skateboard Video
This summer is flying by..don’t they all? I have had not had much time for projects and I miss it badly! I have taken footage in Algonquin Park and Muskoka Lake and trying to edit them together. Most of that footage will be for stock agency. I will be posting it to my portfolio site. For now I finally got a new skateboard video up. I went to the Huntsville skate park one Saturday when the smack-down was going on. Local skate shops in town were sponsors and it was run by the Huntsville parks & rec. It was a hot sunny day with harsh sunlight and the boys were having a hard time with the heat. I color corrected the exposure added some slow motion and used Magic Bullet Looks to add some effect.
Check out my website Tint-it and sign up to our newsletter…
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
NAB 2011

Fortunately the internet has taken me there with live video and many stories from the show floor in great detail. Anything worth seeing is shown in pics and video’s probably better than fighting crowds and waiting in line to hold something. I am very sure I would have bought something quite expensive, so I saved there too.
All I am missing are the smells and sights of Vegas in all its glitter and flashing lights. Oh and the cards. I love to play blackjack at the table. The internet can not reproduce all of that!
I did promise myself I will put some cash away this summer so I can attend next year for sure and I also promised my wife. It has been at least 10 years since we were last there and I am starting to miss it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
New Commercial Video
Had some fun with this one, actually I have fun with all my videos. This time I tried to tackle a Commercial video or a video that a company would get done for a web promotion or introduction. I just used video and music, but have been thinking we should have had Ken talking in the background describing the bottling process. Next video he gets we can do that.
Ken Inglis has worked for Years to get his dream of a water bottling plant going. It all started with a local spring next to his property. He just wanted to start filling bottles. The Town of huntsville owned the property the spring was located on and wanted to get rid of the liability of the spring and peoples health. The town sold Ken the Property with the understanding ken would assume liability and build a bottling plant.
After many years and many hearings, drawings, studies and hoops that every possible government and agency and group could throw his way, he finally was underway. His plant has won some awards for management and water quality. Here is the inside of the plant on bottling day.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Maple Syrup Season is Here!
Hey folks again its maple syrup season again!! woohooo!! I have been waiting all winter for this and have been busy making a new stove or “Evaporator” and purchased an new stainless pan. I got a 3’ x 2’ pan with a valve outlet and hole for a thermometer. I get most of my supplies at Atkinson's Maple Syrup Products.
The evaporator is an old home oil tank cut in half. Then I welded a steel frame around the top,Added a chimney and door. I will let you know how it worked.
Last Thursday I went back to the bush you see in the picture and tapped 20 trees and then on Friday I tapped another 20 trees. That is more then twice the amount of taps as last year Link to last years video. I had some friends look around last summer at yard sales for taps and pails and ended up with 40 in total.
Making Syrup is so much fun, it does not seem like hard work even though it is. If anyone has any questions or comments, please let me know in the comment section. Or if you want to see more on syrup.
Now For The Shameless Advertisement
Tint-it graphics has a new web page after many years. I used SquareSpace to build the new site and I need input as to what you like and don’t like. Also, If you need help making a web page I would love to put one together for you on Sqarespace.